
photo by Sylvi Xavier

photo by Sylvi Xavier

Virginia also trained as a Polarity Therapist, Assertiveness Trainer and Life Coach, working at The Priory Hospital, Godden Green Clinic, Imperial College Health Centre, in Adult Education and appearing on GLR Radio, London News Talk Radio and Sky News. She created the internationally downloaded 'A Heart Meditation' and ‘Silence Meditation'


Click on the image for each meditation

I was on a turbulent flight recently and began to feel nervous. I thought I know, I will do the heart meditation from memory”. It worked. Soon I was in a more calm and centred place
— Annette Wilkinson, Teacher
Listening to Silence is a healing, wise, transformative and rejuvenating practice. A total body experience into deep relaxation: much needed in this fast paced world
— Vanya Silverten, Theta Healing Therapist