Silence Meditation

Listening to Silence

This short Meditation (11 mins) aims to bring a few moments of relaxation to a busy day


  • It’s important to give yourself time to relax, if you lie down on the bed, you may fall asleep, so if you’d like to stay awake you may prefer to sit

  • Remember to put your mobile on aeroplane mode if you are listening to the meditation on it

  • Ask not to be disturbed for 15 mins

  • With the breathing do it at your own pace so it feels comfortable. It’s a gentle breath in through the nose and a releasing breath out through the mouth

  • Please take your time to get up slowly


This Meditation is free if you’d like to donate to a charity of your choice, this can create a good circulation of energy

It is not advisable to listen to this meditation programme while driving or operating machinery as it is for relaxation and can make you drowsy


A Relaxing Way to Rest in Silence


Listening to Silence can help you wind down after work so you let go of worldly preoccupations and come home to yourself. If you work from home, you can use it as a break to re-focus and re-centre yourself. I find it very nurturing and love the energy and calmness it transmits
— Aiko Lamprecht Rolfer, Life Coach
This short Mediation can be used any time of day. I found your guiding voice comforting and I am certainly going to recommend it to clients. Thank you.
— Susie Nixon, Counsellor, Psychotherapist (EMDR Practitioner)
Through the Silence there was a sense of finding peacefulness and stillness, which left me feeling a real sense of power. It felt like I found my power in the Silence
— Kristian Wood, Osteopath
It gives me a few moments away from the noise of life to rest in the quiet of silence.
— Rachel Black, Vocal Coach

Please note… If you suffer from any disorder or are on any medication please check with your Doctor or Therapist first to see if listening to this Meditation is appropriate